Thursday, April 5, 2012

Donald Trump on oil prices.

From The Desk Of Donald Trump: Obama's Deal

"Even though gasoline and oil prices are going right through the roof, I have no doubt in my mind that President Obama may need to deal with the sorties to flood the market with oil before the election so that he can at least keep it down a little bit, after the election, it's going to be a mess, you're gonna see number you've never seen. If he wins. Let's hope he doesn't win. So remember what I've said, if he wins, oil and gasoline, through the roof, like never before. I believe a deal was made. It's a soon to see deal, so let's see whether or not I was right, it's not going to be a pretty picture."

Donald Trump opines President Obama will flood the market with oil supply at least until the election in Nov 2012 to push down oil price.
After the election, DT thinks that oil prices is going to skyrocket if President Obama wins.

Sell all oil-input dependent stocks especially the aviation,logistic and transportation sector, eg. AIRASIA,AIRPORT,MAS
Buy O&G sector that extract and sell oil, eg. HIBISCUS, Petronas, DIALOG

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